Sunday, April 3, 2011

Winner Winner Winner!

Thank you all for entering my contest and being patient.
There were a lot of good and long stories, but there is only one winner. After narrowing 20 down to 10 and 10 down to 5 then 2.. It was extremely hard and i mean hard. Before I announce the winner, I would like to say to if one day you so happen to win $1,000 please do what you said you would do because it would truly change this world completely.. Even if that never happens start a fund especially for that purpose. Start out with 50cent and put all of your loose change in that jar, before you know it that jar will be full. There are too many of us on this earth doing nothing yet we complain all the time. If you cant do anything but give love, do so because every little thing counts =).

Now, The winner of this fabulous Darcy's Botanicals contest is......

Please contact me asap 
so that i may help you to see which products will work best for you.